17. listopada 1996.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 809 Med merino 21m 619
Fine merino 20m 703 Med merino 22m 574
Broad merino 23m 510 Comeback 25m 469
Broad merino 24m 484 Comeback 26m 463n
Fine Xbred 27m 456n Med Xbred 29m 449n
Fine Xbred 28m 451n Med Xbred 30m 449n
Med Xbred 31m 446n Merino cardings 421
Xbred cardings 382n Eastern mkt ind 564
RTRS-Australian wool indicator rises 2c to 564c/kg
SYDNEY, Oct 17 (Reuter) - The Australian eastern wool market
indicator continued to rise on Thursday, adding two cents to 564
cents a kg clean at sales in Goulburn and Adelaide, Wool
International (WI) said.
Merino fleece prices mostly rose, with 19 micron slightly
dearer, 20/21m 0.5 percent dearer and 22m 1.0 percent dearer.
The 23/24/25m categories were up to 1.0 percent cheaper
while 26m was unchanged.
Merino skirtings were up to 1.0 percent dearer.
In crossbreds, 27/28m were 1.0 percent dearer, 29/30m up to
1.0 percent dearer and 31m 0.5 percent dearer.
In cardings, lambs were 3.0 percent dearer, locks up to 1.0
percent dearer and crutchings generally unchanged.
WI said Japanese and Chinese interests were principal buyers
with good support from Italy and most sectors including local
Of 19,109 bales offered in both centres, 6.6 percent were
passed in.
Sales continue next week in Sydney, Melbourne and Fremantle
with about 99,600 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 17. listopada 1996.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 513 58s SUPER 375
66s SUPER 458 58s BLENDED 353
64s SUPER 415 56s SUPER 358
64s BLENDED 408 54s CARDED 340
60s SUPER 385 50s CARDED 330
60s BLENDED 363 58s ENGLISH 275
56s ENGLISH 265
50s ENGLISH 261
Bradford wool market sees big boost for finer tops
BRADFORD, Oct 17 (Reuter) - The Bradford wool market saw a
significant improvement in prices for finer tops after a good
week for wool producers in the main primary markets, trade
sources said.
Prices for 64s-70s were up by an average of eight pence per
kg with 458 quality seeing a substantial twelve pence increase
for the highest quotation.
But attempts by topmakers to follow the raw wool market with
across-the-board increases were strongly resisted by retail
buyers, sources said.
"As soon as price increases are suggested, the door shuts,"
one said.
"Resistance from the retail end seems a lot more determined
than ever," another added.
The growth in synthetic fibres and the art of blending has
seen an end to the days when tops prices could really build on
the back of strength in the primary markets, another said.
Values for coarser types remained unchanged which together
with the steady level of demand (mostly from domestic buyers),
led several sources to speak of "some basis" for a sustainable
recovery being established.
"Wool is aided by the fact that it is a low cost fibre at
the moment," one broker said.
Evidence of increasing interest in finer wools by Japan and
China (both buyers of all types of wool and important customers
for the UK) also helped to support the mild bullishness in he
trade, another said.
But as one source put it "noone in this market is thinking
in terms of a boom."
211100 MET oct 96
Pobjeda Union SG-a, gol i asistencija Ivanovića
Remi Athletica
Tina Radić osvojila broncu na Grand Prixu u Linzu
Poraz Splita u Subotici
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SKV: Sport u 21 sat
SKV: Hrvatska u 21 sat
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Šara upozorava na pokušaje uvlačenja zemlje u građanski rat
EP atletika - Novo zlato za Ingebrigtsena, Mahučik uvjerljiva