U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 17. listopada 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 7,277 ( 2,413 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
69,49 centi (69,41 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 17. listopada 1997.
DEC7 71.63 71.36 71.75 71.36 71.60 71.63
MAR8 73.01 72.85 73.10 72.85 73.00 73.04
MAY8 73.90 73.75 73.90 73.70 73.90 73.90
JUL8 74.65 74.50 74.85 74.50 74.65 74.65
OCT8 76.30 76.00 76.45 76.00 76.30 76.30
DEC8 76.30 76.25 76.60 76.25 76.30 76.30
MAR9 77.25 77.05 77.25 77.25 77.20 77.23
MAY9 77.65 77.65 77.65 77.65 77.75 77.85
JUL9 78.00 78.05 78.15
OCT9 77.00 76.00 77.00
NYCE cotton ends firmer, buoyed by weekly exports
NEW YORK, Oct 17 (Reuters) - NYCE cotton futures ended
higher in sluggish trading on Friday, bolstered by speculative
buying amid strong weekly export numbers, dealers said.
December cotton ended 0.25 cent per lb firmer, at 71.63
cents, after ranging from 71.75 and 71.36 cents. The rest of the
board ended unchanged to up 0.25 cent.
Cotton prices rose from the outset on Friday, after the
USDA's weekly export report showed new sales in the week ended
October 9 at 228,000 running bales. Traders had expected new
sales to come in at some 150,000 to 200,000 bales.
USDA reported net Upland sales of 223,100 running bales (RB)
were one-fifth below the prior week, but exceeded the 4-week
average by 44 percent.
The primary buyers were Hong Kong (42,000 RB), China (33,600
RB), Mexico (32,900 RB), South Korea (18,200 RB), and Brazil
(13,200 RB), USDA said.
Traders said strong sales to Hong Kong and China helped
counter concerns that China's new domestic cotton policy --
aimed at promoting self-reliance and reducing dependence on
imports -- would sharply cut U.S. exports to China.
China is the world's top importer of cotton and the largest
buyer of U.S.-grown cotton.
Technically, traders pegged December nearby resistance at
71.85 cents, followed by 72.10-72.20 cents. Support was seen
near 71.05 cents, followed by 70.80 cents, its life-of-contract
Volume reached an estimated 6,000 lots, down from Thursday's
offical tally of 6,301 lots.
201029 MET oct 97
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