Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 29. rujna 1997.
INDEX 97/98 "A" 79,30 - (79,40) PRIJE
INDEX 97/98 "B" 74,65 - (74,65) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 29. rujna 1997.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
TEXAS M MIDD 1-1/32(97/98) STU/PRO 79.50
MEMPHIS MIDD 1-3/32(97/98) STU/PRO 82.50
S.BRAZILIAN TYPE 7 16(97/98) --- nije navedeno
PARAGUAYAN MIDD 1-3/32(97/98) --- nije navedeno
ARGENTINE GRD D 1-1/16(97/98) --- nije navedeno
ADANA ST.1 1-1/16(97/98) LIS/STU 78.50
IZMIR ST.1 1-3/32 RG(97/98) --- nije navedeno
PAK ADNAS 1 INCH(97/98) ----- nije navedeno
AFRICANžFRANC ZONEžSM 1-1/8 (97/98) SIJ/VELJ 79.50
AUSTRALIAN S.M 1-1/8 (97/98) TRA/SVI 86.50
SUDAN X4B 1-3/32(97/98) LIS/STU 83.50
SUDAN ACALA 1RG (97/98) LIS/STU 68.25
------ ------------ ------- ---
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 ----- nije navedeno
European raw cotton trade focus on Spain/Turkey
LONDON, Sept 29 (Reuter) - Most European raw cotton markets
appeared devoid of new feature, and the typical level of upland
offering rates was barely altered.
The more reassuring crop news forthcoming from the United
States, following the passage of Hurricane Nora, tended to be
offset by reports that harvesting had been interrupted during
the weekend both in Spain and southern Turkey.
Rather tentative trading resulted, as the implications of
these weather developments were assessed. Enquiry thus tended to
be essentially of a price-testing nature, and any fresh business
was of modest proportions.
301118 MET sep 97
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Rusija na zahtjev RS tražila izvanrednu sjednicu Vijeća sigurnosti UN-a o BiH
Plenković: Većina je sigurna, a podrška Josipa Dabre neupitna
Kup: Istra 1961 - Lokomotiva 3-0
Talijani žele utakmice Serie A igrati u SAD
Bačić u Petrinji otvorio obnovljeni Učiteljski fakultet, u Dvoru novoizgrađenu zgradu