Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 30. rujna 1997.
INDEX 97/98 "A" 79,30 - (79,30) PRIJE
INDEX 97/98 "B" 74,65 - (74,65) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 01. listopada 1997.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
TEXAS M MIDD 1-1/32(97/98) STU/PRO 78.00
MEMPHIS MIDD 1-3/32(97/98) STU/PRO 80.75
S.BRAZILIAN TYPE 7 16(97/98) ----- nije navedeno
PARAGUAYAN MIDD 1-3/32(97/98) ----- nije navedeno
ARGENTINE GRD D 1-1/16(97/98) ----- nije navedeno
ADANA ST.1 1-1/16(97/98) LIS/STU 76.50
IZMIR ST.1 1-3/32 RG(97/98) ----- nije navedeno
PAK ADNAS 1 INCH(97/98) ----- nije navedeno
AFRICANžFRANC ZONEžSM 1-1/8 (97/98) SIJ/VELJ 78.50
AUSTRALIAN S.M 1-1/8 (97/98) TRA/SVI 85.25
SUDAN X4B 1-3/32(97/98) LIS/STU 83.50
SUDAN ACALA 1RG (97/98) LIS/STU 68.25
------ ------------ ------- ---
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 ----- nije navedeno
European raw cotton interest up on U.S. price fall
LONDON, Oct 1 (Reuter) - A sharply lower New York futures
market has reinforced the bearish sentiment among most buyers
and sellers in the European raw cotton markets. Asking rates for
upland cottons have been lower as a result and some fresh
purchasing inquiry has been stimulated.
Much of the buying interest has been directed towards
Central Asian descriptions, but these cottons are not generally
being pressed for sale for nearby shipment in the customary
fashion at this time of the year.
Some French mills are understood to have turned their
attention to selected African Franc Zone styles.
Buyers elsewhere have continued to place inquiries for
Mediterranean cottons but price ideas at origin, particularly in
Greece, remain above the levels buyers are at present willing to
021104 MET oct 97
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Kup: Istra 1961 - Lokomotiva 3-0
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