Liverpool pamuk - indikacije - 06. listopada 1997.
INDEX 97/98 "A" 78,00 - (77,95) PRIJE
INDEX 97/98 "B" 73,65 - (73,65) PRIJE
Liverpool pamuk - isporuke - 06. listopada 1997.
U Američkim cenrtima po libri
TEXAS M MIDD 1-1/32(97/98)STU/PRO 78.2500
MEMPHIS MIDD 1-3/32(97/98)STU/PRO 81.000.75
S.BRAZILIAN TYPE 7 16(97/98) ---- nije navedeno
PARAGUAYAN MIDD 1-3/32(97/98)---- nije navedeno
ARGENTINE GRD D 1-1/16(97/98) ---- nije navedeno
ADANA ST.1 1-1/16(97/98) LIS/STU 76.00
IZMIR ST.1 1-3/32 RG(97/98) ---- nije navedeno
PAK ADNAS 1 INCH(97/98) ---- nije navedeno
AFRICANžFRANC ZONEžSM 1-1/8 (97/98) SIJ/VELJ 78.50
AUSTRALIAN S.M 1-1/8 (97/98) TRA/SVI 85.25
SUDAN X4B 1-3/32(97/98) LIS/STU 83.50
SUDAN ACALA 1RG (97/98) LIS/STU 68.25
------ ------------ ------- ---
PERU PIMA GRD 1 1-9/16 ---- nije navedeno
European cotton miils not hurrying to buy
LONDON, Oct 6 (Reuter) - Mill buyers in most parts of Europe
appear in no hurry to add to their raw cotton purchases, traders
In Spain and Portugal, many spinners have already covered a
large part of their requirments through to next Spring.
Elsewhere, even those mills with outstanding requirements
for winter shipment are tending to purchase in rather selective
fashion, in anticipation of a weakening of offering rates over
the coming months.
Their confidence stems from the good harvesting progress in
most parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and the belief that
greater selling pressure will thus develop as cotton comes to
the market over the coming months.
071043 MET oct 97
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