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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 08.04.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - APR 08 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2326.0/27.0 2288.0/89.0 2085.0/95.0 2040.0/50.0 2327 (STG EQV) 1436.51 1415.08 TIN 5695/5700 5730/5735 5775/5785 5700 LEAD 651.50/2.00 653.00/4.00 657.00/0.00 652 (STG EQV) 402.49 404.31 ZINC 1228.0/29.0 1252.5/53.0 1215.0/20.0 1170.0/75.0 1229 ALU.HG 1546.0/47.0 1578.0/79.0 1618.0/23.0 1597.0/02.0 1547 NICKEL 7200/7210 7309/7310 7555/7575 7735/7755 7210 ALALLOY 1442.0/44.0 1472.0/74.0 1535.0/55.0 1444 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6199 DEM 1.7135 JPY 126.18 LME copper firms, others base metals quiet LONDON, April 8 (Reuter) - Copper prices pushed higher and other base metals on the London Metal Exchange (LME) were steady to firmer on Tuesday as the market saw a reprieve from Monday's heavy duty fund sell-off. But some traders said they were on guard for more fund activity over the next few days. "Today we're having a quiet day after yesterday's hectic day. But let's wait and see what the States decide to do," a trader said. The daily LME stock reports launched on Monday was also still injecting jitters into the market. Benchmark three-months copper got a boost from a 6,475-tonne decline in LME stocks on Tuesday morning. Trade buying helped push up prices to $2,290 by the end of the midday session, compared to $2,278 at Monday's kerb close. Monday's fund selling had swept copper prices below the $2,300 level, setting off sell-stop orders and leaving prices $58 lower. Aluminium by contrast only managed a "dead cat bounce" on Tuesday, coming off the morning lows just slightly to end the kerb unchanged at $1,583. A 2,675-tonne rise in LME stocks also did not help aluminium. "The trade buying looks to be done. It's really struggling to go any higher," a trader said. Elsewhere zinc was firmer at $1,254, up $7, after Monday's painful sell-off, which had left it $20 weaker. On the upside it needed to hurdle resistance at $1,260, chartists said. Nickel was barely changed at $7,300, just $10 firmer, after tumbling $180 on Monday. But the downside may be limited, some analysts said. "While nickel remains technically weak and vulnerable to further bouts of selling pressure, the metal has already seen a significant correction and is beginning to look very oversold," said Martin Squires of Rudolf Wolff. Tin and lead were similarly steady. Tin was last indicated at $5,725/30, compared to $5,720, while lead was $3 firmer at $653. Aluminium alloy was also quiet, but lower. It was last traded at $1,474, compared to $1,485. _________________________________________________________________ _ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 08.04.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ _ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 1400 DUNKIRK 50 HAMBURG 19550 ROTTERDAM 11550 PIRAEUS 25 GENOA 150 LEGHORN 575 TRIESTE 17925 BARCELONA 225 BILBAO 12225 GOTHENBURG 14325 HELSINBORG 8750 LONG BEACH 46275 SINGAPORE 31775 LOSA... 2250 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 125 ROTTERDAM 4485 GENOA 375 TRIESTE 15 BILBAO 40 HULL 395 LIVERPOOL 4115 BALTIMORE 365 CHICAGO 20 LONG BEACH 5 NEW HAVEN 50 LOSA... 35 ++ LEAD + ANTWERP 100 HAMBURG 800 ROTTERDAM 1650 GENOA 2050 GOTHENBURG 9875 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 225 HULL 850 LIVERPOOL 50 SUNDERLAND 175 DETROIT 750 LONG BEACH 1700 SINGAPORE 9100 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 36450 DUNKIRK 1175 BREMEN 1425 HAMBURG 975 ROTTERDAM 154525 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 13800 TRIESTE 114450 BARCELONA 13075 BILBAO 13200 GOTHENBURG 10625 HELSINBORG 58050 LIVERPOOL 13375 CHICAGO 200 SINGAPORE 13425 ++ NICKEL + ANTWERP 858 ROTTERDAM 36522 GENOA 150 TRIESTE 54 GOTHENBURG 9804 LONG BEACH 96 NEW HAVEN 120 TOLEDO 6 SINGAPORE 948 ++ ALUMINIUM ++ ANTWERP 2050 ROTTERDAM 53075 TRIESTE 575 BILBAO 500 GOTHENBURG 46125 HELSINBORG 140325 AVONMOUTH 27675 HULL 114050 LIVERPOOL 263875 NEWCASTLE 129500 SUNDERLAND 49075 DETROIT 500 NEW HAVEN 325 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 16825 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 6280 DUNKIRK 1720 DUISBERG 620 HAMBURG 200 ROTTERDAM 1020 BRESCIA 2460 GENOA 3040 TRIESTE 6460 BARCELONA 80 BILBAO 1800 GOTHENBURG 220 DERBY 380 HULL 740 LIVERPOOL 27860 CHICAGO 4160 DETROIT 1320 LONG BEACH 10320 ST LOUIS 3160 _________________________________________________________________ _ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 08. travnja 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ _ COPPER 167125 DOWN 6475 TIN 10035 DOWN 30 LEAD 107875 UP 1025 ZINC 445025 DOWN 1425 ALUMINIUM 844575 UP 2675 NICKEL 48558 UP 120 AL.ALLOY 71840 DOWN 200 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 167050 125 6600 TIN 10035 120 150 LEAD 107875 1200 175 ZINC 445025 125 1550 NICKEL briquettes 4602 78 0 NICKEL cathodes 43920 360 318 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 365625 0 900 ALUMINIUM T-bars 296825 0 1575 ALUMINIUM sows 182125 5525 375 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 500 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 41420 0 200 AL.ALLOY A380.1 29920 0 0 FRANCUSKA BURZA - 08. travnja 1997. BAKAR FFR/100 KG 1406 KOSITAR FFR/100 KG 3885 CINK EL. FFR/100 KG 804 ALUMINIJ FFR/100 KG 1200 SREB. C3E FFR/KG 852/1003 PLATINA FFR/KG 59600/90100 PALADIJ FFR/KG 24700/33100 IRIDIJ FFR/KG 25500/48000 KOBALT FFR/100 KG 35399 ŽIVA FFR/100 KG 5200 NJEMAČKA BURZA - 08. travnja 1997. - u DEM po 100 kg GERMAN ELEKTROLITIK 404.40/416.08 OLOVO U KABELIMA 99.94% 127.00/128.00 081605 MET apr 97

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