SARAJEVO, May 3 (Hina) - The UN secretary general's special
representative for former Yugoslavia, Yasushi Akashi, and the
commander-in-chief of the UN Protection Force, General Bernard de
Laprele, visited Sarajevo on Tuesday where they met with Bosnian
Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic for talks on the situation in
Gorazde and the resumption of peace talks, a Hina reporter in
Sarajevo said.
Following the talks, Silajdzic said the two problems were
linked and added that no serious peace talks could be expected to
resume until the situation in Gorazde had been normalized. He
asserted that Serb troops were still one kilometre from the very
centre of Gorazde, in the villages of Zupcici, Kolijevke and
Kasagici on the right bank of the River Drina. He noted that Serb
forces still had not pulled heavy weapons out of the exclusion
Akashi pointed out that stabilization of the situation in
Gorazde was progressing according to schedule, but that some
problems still remained. He went on to say that more UN peace-
keepers would be deployed in the northern Brcko area despite a
shortage of manpower.
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