OSIJEK, May 2 (Hina) - "The Serb side has not fulfilled its
commitments as agreed, it has pulled back neither heavy weaponry
nor troops, and as long as they do not do it, there can be no
fuurter negotiations," said today in Osijek a representative of the
Croatian government's office for the U.N. Peace Forces (UNPROFOR)
and mission of the European Union (EU), Milivoj Tomas, after the
talks on the implementation of the Zagreb agreement in Sector East.
Today's meeting in Osijek behind the closed doors were led by U.N.
peacekeeping commander for Croatia General Ghazi Tayyeb and
UNPROFOR head for civil affairs Charles Kireugya as the UNPROFOR
The Croatian representative, Mr. Tomas, said: "Unfortunately,
UNPROFOR is very inefficient. Its representatives are constantly
pointing out that "the parties to the agreement" have not fulfilled
what they agreed on. When UNPROFOR members are asked why agreements
have not been yet implemented they only shrug." After meetings in
Zadar and Karlovac today's talks in Osijek are the third meeting
between the Croatian government and UNPROFOR to discuss the
implementation of the Zagreb agreement. However, the conclusion of
the talks is the same; the Serb side has not yet implemented the
first stage of the agreement, whereas UNPROFOR is only registering
the situation, stressed Mr. Tomas.
UNPROFOR commander for Croatia, Gen. Tayyeb, told reporters
that the UNPROFOR delegation had come to the talks to listen to
what the Croatian side wanted to say, and that "they will deal with
all matters in the interest of progress and to the mutual
satisfaction." He added that they wanted to ease tensions increased
after a truce.
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