ZAGREB, May 3 (Hina) - "The situation in Bosnia-Herzegovina and the
UNPAs in Croatia has been mainly calm in the past 24 hours, barring
minor incidents," Special Envoy Akashi's spokesman Michael Williams
told a news conference at UNPROFOR headquarters in Zagreb.
The UN Secretary-General's Special Envoy Yasushi Akashi and UN
Force Commander Gen. Bertrand de Lapresle left today for Sarajevo
and Pale. "Yasushi Akashi is going to call on both sides to refrain
from any aggressive actions," said Williams. "At Pale, Akashi is
also going to discuss the possibility of dispatching UN Military
Observers to the Brcko area (north-eastern Bosnia), which we
consider to be the most dangerous crisis spot in Bosnia-
Herzegovina," noted Williamson.
He went on to say that a British military convoy for Gorazde
was still held up at Rogatica by Bosnian Serbs.
Asked whether Akashi was going to reply to Sarinic's letter
about Serb manoeuvres to put off the next round of talks, Willliams
said: "We are concerned about the Serb side not fulfilling their
obligations within the expected deadline and in the extent agreed.
I believe Mr. Akashi took into account the observations in the
031551 MET may 94
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