NEW YORK, Apr 1 (Hina) - "The establishment of new forces in
Croatia emphasises the Security Council's commitment to the
sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Croatia
within its internationally recognised borders - that is why the new
operation is called 'the UN Confidence Restoration Operation in
Croatia' and only the Croatian Government has the right to control
Croatian borders," US representative, Karl Idenfurth, told the
Security Council after the passage of the new mandate.
Russian Ambassador, Sergei Lavrov, expressed concern over
military preparations carried out by "sides" in Croatia. He
described Croatia's decision not to extend the UNPROFOR mandate as
a "destabilising element."
"The new UN mandate in Croatia is necessary because Croatian
Serbs were obstructing the Vance Plan," German representative,
Detlev Graszurandzau.
"It is obvious thaty they intended to freeze the status quo in
Croatia and postpone a political compromise with the Croatian
Government until secession was in view. Any Knin Serb political
platform that surpasses regional autonomy in Croatia is
unrealistic," he said.
(hina) jn as
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