ZAGREB, March 27 (Hina) - Croatia was not satisified with the U.N.
Secretary General Boutros-Ghali's report and would send him a
letter today explaining its position in relation to the new mandate
of international forces, Croatian Foreign Minister, Mate Granic,
said in Zagreb Monday.
After talks with the Norwegian Foreign Minister, Bjoren Tore
Godalom, Granic said that Ghali's report was not in the spirit of
talks that had taken place between President Franjo Tudjman and
Ghali, and that Croatia was not satisfied with the proposal of the
new name for the peace forces, which is to replace UNPROFOR, nor
with the definition of the control of Croatia's borders with
Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia.
On Friday afternoon Boutros-Ghali submitted a report to the UN
Security Council, suggesting that the current UNPROFOR mandate be
divided into three separate mandates for Croatia, Bosnia and
Macedonia. Thus, UNPF-1 would be the name for the peace forces in
Croatia, UNPF-2 for Bosnia, and UNPF-3 for Macedonia.
"Croatia will send a letter to the Secretary General in which
it will clearly illustrate its position and demands, particularly
concerning the new resolutions," Granic said.
"Our wish is that we find a common language and that by the
end of the week two resolutions be adopted, one on the end of the
UNPROFOR mandate in Croatia, and the other on the new mandate of UN
forces which will include the control of borders, the monitoring of
agreements signed with Croatian Serbs, and on UNPROFOR headquarters
remaining in Zagreb for its actions in Bosnia-Hercegovina," he
"Ghali's report is not balanced, and we are particularly
dissatisfied with his conclusions on the reasons for the current
situation," Granic said, adding that in his report, Ghali had
practically assessed Croatia's decision for UNPROFOR to leave, as
the main reason for the current situation," he said.
Croatia sees Croatian Serbs and Belgrade as responsible for
the current developments.
"Belgrade has not recognised Croatia's borders and constantly
aids Croatian Serbs militarily, in the last ten days with an entire
brigade. Belgrade regularly pays five generals and 50 colonels and
more than 6,000 soldiers," Granic said, noting that Serbs from
occupied areas had expelled all the non-Serb population.
"We are not satisfied with the newly-proposed Security Council
resolutions for two reasons: we expect that the word 'Croatia' be
included in the name of the new UN forces and that there is better
definition of the control of borders," Granic said.
Croatia is prepared to begin talks immediately on the
implementation of the economic agreement and to begin political
talks on local autonomy for 11 municipalities where the Serbs had
the majority population in the 1991 census, Granic added.
(hina) mm sd mms
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