SARAJEVO, March 29 (hina) - The Assembly of the Republic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina today commissioned the Government of the Bosnian
Republic and Bosnian Federation to draft adequate bills which would
facilitate the beginning of implementing the Bonn agreement on the
(Croat-Moslem) Bosnian Federation.
Bosnian Federation Vice President Ejup Ganic warned that the
project of the Federation should be salvaged. He described the Bonn
agreements as one attempt to rescue the Federation, and added that
the people in Bosnia could only profit from the implementation of
the agreements.
Bosnian Prime Minister Haris Silajdzic expressed certain
reservations as regards the real scope of the Bonn agreements. He
said he would be happier if they had agreed on establishing an
integrated post, traffic or communications system in the Federation
instead of signing yet another agreement which entitles them to
fulfill what they have already signed. Silajdzic reiterated that
the Government would do its best and use all its authority so that
the Federation would come into being as soon as possible.
(hina) mar mms
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