MOSTAR, March 26 (Hina) - The House of Representatives of Herzeg-
Bosnia (part of Bosnia-Herzegovina under Croatian Defence Council,
or HVO, control) finished a two-day session on Saturday evening by
adopting conclusions which fully support "the spirit of the Bonn
accords" between the Bosnian Croat and Moslem sides.
The House came to a conclusion which obliges delegations and
representatives of Croatian people to submit to responsible Bosnian
Croat authorities draft agreements and deals before they sign them
on Bosnian Croats' behalf.
The House appointed a commission for preparing the forthcoming
session of the Constituent Assembly of the Federation of Bosnia-
Herzegovina. The next Assembly session is scheduled for March 31.
The House accepted a report of the Herzeg-Bosnian government,
along with a report of the prime minister, Jadranko Prlic, and a
statement of the deputy prime minister, Drago Bilandzija.
The House commissioned the government to finish, in
cooperation with the ruling Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia-
Herzegovina (HDZ of B-H) party, the process of reshuffling the
government, as well as to assess the appropriateness of the 'dual
ministries' of Croat officials both at the Bosnian Federation
Government and the Herzeg-Bosnian government. Ministers of the
Croat nationality in the Federation Government are also the
ministers in Herzeg-Bosnia.
(hina) mms
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