ZAGREB, March 25 (Hina) - The head of the Croatian government
officer for refugees and displaced persons, Minister Adalbert
Rebic, today received a group of journalists from Saudi Arabia.
Croatia was caring for 400,000 refugees and displaced people
- 195,802 displaced people from Serb-occupied areas of Croatia
and 188,607 refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina, a statement from
Rebic's office said.
Rebic spoke about the possibility of some 50,000 refugees
returning to the area of the Moslem-Croat federation in Bosnia-
He informed the journalists of an agreement on refugees
which Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina signed yesterday.
The guests were interested in the forms of aid refugees and
displaced people in Croatia were recieving, and in the return of
Bosnian refugees to their homes.
(hina) sd vm
251905 MET mar 95
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