COPENHAGEN, March 12 (Hina) - Croatian President Franjo Tudjman
today read a following statement at a joint press conference which
he held with US Vice President Al Gore in Copenhagen. The statement
concerning a new international presence in Croatia read:
"As of April 1, 1995, the Mandate of UNPROFOR in Croatia will
have expired. Working with the Security Council and its partners in
the international community, Croatia will seek to negotiate a new
UN Security Council Mandate for an international presence in
Croatia that will:
1. Control the international borders between the Republic of
Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (Serbia/Montenegro),
and between the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, at such places where principal crossing points are not
now controlled by the authorities of the Republic of Croatia;
2. Control access and communications for UNPROFOR and other
international humanitarian operations to Bosnia-Herzegovina through
territory not currently under the control of the authorities of the
Republic of Croatia;
3. Facilitate the continued implementation of the Ceasefire
Agreement of March 29, 1994, and the Economic Agreement of December
2, 1994, facilitate implementation of future agreements aimed at
the reintegration of Croatia, and facilitate implementation of
relevant United Nations Security Council and General Assembly
Pending the successful negotiations of a mandate for a new
international presence along the lines described above and for a
limited period of time, the Government of Croatia agrees that the
current international presence may continue to perform functions
related to its mission in Bosnia-Herzegovina and functions
essential to the continued implementation of the above mentioned
agreements of March 29, 1994 and December 2, 1994."
(hina) jn mms
121354 MET mar 95
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