NEW YORK, Jan 6 (Hina) - The Security Council yesterday adopted a
Presidential Statement encouraging increased peace efforts in
"The Security Council considers as imperative to increase
efforts to reach an overall solution in Bosnia-Herzegovina on the
basis of the Contact Group Plan," the statement said.
The Security Coucil welcomed the cease-fire agreement of
Dec 23 and the New Year Eve agreement on cessation of hostilities.
"At this critical moment, the timely implementation of
every step outlined in the cessation of hostilities agreement is
the highest priority," the Council said.
The Coucil called on all sides to stop the fighting in the
Bihac pocket.
The statement welcomed current efforts in strengthening the
UN peace-keeping force, encouraging member states to ensure the
necessary personnel and equipment needed by UNPROFOR for an
efficient enforcement of the agreement.
(hina) vr as
071101 MET jan 95
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