VARES, Nov 4 (Hina) - The municipal council of Vares, 50 km north
of Sarajevo, on Monday sent a letter to international peace
coordinator Carl Bild and Bosnian Presidency member Kresimir Zubak
in protest at the destruction of Catholic cemeteries in the
villages of Bijelo Borje and Mir at the weekend.
The letter said that 14 graves and a chapel in Bijelo Borje
and 46 graves and a chapel in Mir had been destroyed on the night
of November 2.
"The imprints of army boots in the cemeteries indicate that
the cemeteries were desecrated by extremists of the Bosnian army,"
Vares Municipal Council president Miroslav Pejcinovic said.
The Council demanded that Bildt and Zubak urge the commander
of the NATO-led peace implementation force, Admiral Lopez, to
fulfil his promise that Moslem extremists would be transferred from
the villages in the Vares area which had had a majority Croat
population before the war.
(hina) vm mm
041732 MET nov 96
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