OMIS, 27 Oct (Hina) - The remains of 112 Croatia's World War Two
soldiers, who died in the Omis area (near Split, southern Croatia),
were reburied at the Vrisovac cemetery, outside Omis, on Sunday.
The remains of 104 Croatian Home Guardsmen (regular troops of
Croatia's Fascist state 1941-1945 'NDH'), six Ustasha soldiers
(elite troops of the 'NDH') and two Partisans (anti-Fascist
soldiers) were reburied in a charnel house at Vrisovac in a
memorial ceremony.
Ninety five Home Guardsmen, most of whom had died of typhus in
an Italian detention camp in Omis in 1943, had been found buried in
a mass grave called Garma. The bodies of seventeen Croatian
soldiers - nine Home Guardsmen, six Ustasha soldiers and two
Partisans - had been entombed at the military section of the old
Omis cemetery. All of them were exhumed in the last two months.
The coffins, wrapped in Croatian national flag, with the
remains of the 112 soldiers were carried from a morgue to the
Vrisovac cemetery by 112 Croatian Army members.
A parliamentarian and vice president of the Parliament's
Commission for War and Post-War Victims, Vice Vukojevic, said
during the memorial ceremony: "We blame no one, but every innocent
victim has the right to a dignified Christian and human burial,
regardless of their nationality and religion. All crimes are to be
condemned; however, now that the living ones have reconciled with
each other, it's time for the reconciliation of the dead, as all
our victims call for forgiveness - now when we all are victors."
A solemn mass for the dead soldiers was said by Assistant
Bishop of Split, Msgr. Marin Barisic.
An idea to rebury together those WW II soldiers in the same
ossuary was initiated in 1992 when the Omis municipal leadership
planned to transfer the remains of Home Guardsmen from the Garma
mass grave to a charnel house where only Partisan fighters had been
entombed, but a local association of anti-Fascist fighters opposed
the plan. Therefore, municipal heads organised the construction of
a new charnel house at Vrisovac.
(hina) rm mš
272122 MET oct 96
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