ZAGREB, Sept 4 (Hina) - Croatian vice-premier Ivica Kostovic on
Wednesday forwarded a letter to U.N. Transitional Administrator for
the Croatian Danubian area General Jacques Klein in relation to a
statement made by Klein's deputy Derek Boothby on 2 September, the
Croatian government's public relations office said in a statement.
Boothby's statement, if correctly reported by Serbian news
agency Tanjug, said that "it won't be possible to schedule
elections in the Croatian Danubian area before spring next year"
and that it was "necessary to extend UNTAES' mandate".
In his letter to Klein, Kostovic expressed regret concerning
the statement, on behalf of the Croatian government, pointing out
that in a moment when negotiations on UNTAES' mandate and the time
frame of the holding of elections in the Croatian Danubian area
were still in course, such a statement from a high UNTAES official
could only cause damage.
Boothby's statement could also cause worry among the Croatian
population, in particular among displaced persons, the letter
pointed out.
(hina) ha
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