ZAGREB, August 21 (Hina) - Croatian vice-premier Ivica Kostovic on
Wednesday returned from a visit to the Croatian Danubian area with
positive impressions, expressing hope that the return of displaced
persons would begin next month.
Returning to Zagreb, Kostovic was satisfied with the situation
in the villages to which the displaced would, according to plan,
return first.
"Visiting Nijemci, Apsevci, Podgradje and Lipovac I saw a big
change compared to the situation of a month ago, especially in the
process of mine-clearing and the process of reconstruction. We hope
this will make a return in September really possible", Kostovic
The security situation in the Srijem area, where houses were
being rebuilt, was good, Kostovic said, adding that a mass return
was only prevented by physical conditions, that is the speed at
which mines could be cleared and houses rebuilt.
Pointing out that he wanted to speed up the return of the
displaced to all areas, Kostovic said that more returnees could be
expected in Baranja villages. "I think we've also finally found a
solution for Bilje. It's too early to speak, but I think we'll
solve the problem", he said, adding that this had been the topic of
his Wednesday special talks with representatives of the Serb
The Croatian government thought there were no obstacles for
elections in the Croatian Danubian area to take place in December,
in cooperation with local Serbs and in accordance with Croatian
laws, Kostovic said and added that, for that reason, experts from
the United States would come to Croatia in September to work out
the necessary preparations with the Ministry of Administration.
Kostovic said that a delegation of the Croatian Parliament
would visit Vukovar in early September and that the U.N.
Transitional Administrator in eastern Slavonia General Jacques
Klein had already started preparations for it.
Kostovic's visit to eastern Slavonia was organized by UNTAES
with the aim to acquaint representatives of local Serb authorities
directly, and not via Klein, with Croatia's firm stances regarding
the duration of the mandate and the holding of elections in the
"It's important that they acknowledge reality and follow the
whole process accordingly", Kostovic said, adding that his
interlocutors in Vukovar asked several questions to be later
directed to Croatian institutions in charge of participation in the
integration process.
With them Kostovic discussed the process of the entrance of
Croatian public enterprises in the area, demanding that local
public enterprises stop operating.
They also discussed the solution to the problems of missing
persons and exhumation, which must be solved before the return of
the displaced. Kostovic pointed out that exhumation in Ovcara was
ready to begin on 1 September.
(hina) ha
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