ZAGREB, Aug 29 (Hina) - Representatives of the Croatian government
on Thursday held a meeting in Zagreb with representatives of
citizens of Serb nationality from the Croatian Danubian area, in
the presence of U.N. Transitional Administrator for Eastern
Slavonia, Baranja and Western Srijem, General Jacques Klein, a
statement of the Croatian government's public relations office
The main goal of the meeting was to jointly advance attempts
at a more effective implementation of the peaceful reintegration of
the Croatian Danubian area, the statement points out, and adds that
representatives of the Croatian government expressed their stances
in relation to all important issues and problems of the
continuation of the process of peaceful reintegration.
The talks also focused on an immediate return of displaced
persons as a precondition for a speedier implementation of a
peaceful reintegration, and other issues related to the recently
signed Agreement on the Normalization of Relations Between the
Republic of Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
It was pointed out that for a complete implementation of the
peaceful reintegration process it was necessary to speed up the
solving of problems related to public enterprises, education,
health and social care.
It was concluded that direct communication between high
representatives of the Croatian government and of citizens of Serb
nationality would continue.
Present at the meeting were also deputy head of the Croatian
President's Office Vesna Skare-Ozbolt, head of the government's
transitional administration office Ivica Vrkic, Labour and Social
Care Minister Joso Skara, Education and Sport Minister Ljilja Vokic
and advisor to the prime minister and coordinator for the liberated
areas Ivan Majdak, the statement concluded.
(hina) ha
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