LIVNO, August 21 (Hina) - A delegation of the NATO-led Peace
Implementation Force based in Sipovo, about 100 km south of Banja
Luka, headed by Major Elwin Clements, on Wednesday visited the
Bugojno Municipal Council and the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ)
Municipal Committee based in Livno, western Bosnia, to find out
about the problems of displaced Croats from Bugojno and the
preparations for the Bosnian September elections.
The regulations of the Dayton Agreement relating to a pilot-
project on the return of 200 Croat families to Bugojno, about 75 km
west of Sarajevo, were not being implemented in the Bugojno area,
presidents of the Bugojno Municipal Council and the HDZ Municipal
Committee, Ivan Miletic and Ante Mustapic respectively, told IFOR
At the September elections, the Bugojno Croats would vote at
15 posts in Herzeg-Bosnia, 69 posts in Croatia and some 50 posts
(hina) ha
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