BELI MANASTIR, August 13 (Hina) - A radio-link between the Beli
Manastir 110-kilovolt substation and the Osijek dispatcher centre
was established on Monday.
Present at the event was a representative of the Croatian
government's Temporary Administration Office for the Re-
establishment of Croatian Authority in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja
and Western Srijem, representatives of UNTAES, Croatia's Electric
Power Industry and Serbs from the area controlled by UNTAES.
The radio-link would enable the supervision of failures in the
substation and the establishment of a link with the dispatcher
centre in Osijek, coordinator of the Implementation Committee of
the Electric Power Industry of the Temporary Administration Office
Vencel Lasic said.
Speaking of the event, deputy head of the Temporary
Administration Office Mirko Tankosic pointed out that it was a
result of the work of implementation committees of the electric
power industry whose aim was to include Baranja in Croatia's
electric power system as soon as possible.
Tankosic said that before the Beli Manastir substation was
included in Croatia's electric power system, 3.5 km of the power
transmission network between Valpovo and Beli Manastir had to be
cleared of mines, which could be done within two or three weeks.
(hina) ha as
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