DUBROVNIK, 19 August (Hina) - On Monday evening the Croatian
Peasants' Party (HSS) organized a panel discussion in Dubrovnik
titled "What the HSS Has To Offer." After an introduction by the
president and the secretary of the Dubrovnik chapter of the HSS,
who tackled the political situation in the region of Dubrovnik,
the audience was addressed by HSS MP Marinko Filipovic.
Filipovic pointed to marginalization of the Sabor, stressing his
party's commitment to restoration of the Sabor's dignity.
Speaking about transformation of property he described it as very
bad, resulting in unchecked enrichment of a limited number of
individuals and widening of the social gap. Zlatko Tomcic,
president of the HSS, expressed his party's dissatisfaction with
the Government's domestic and foreign policies. He said the
Croatian economy has almost collapsed and that poor state of the
economy is inevitably influencing the Government's social
policies. Referring to foreign policy, Tomcic said Croatia has
been humiliated by procedure for membership in the Council of
Europe, adding that Croatia could have met membership criteria
long before the Council spelled them out.
mr (Hina)
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