ZAGREB, June 19 (Hina) - The Croatian parliament's House of
Representatives on Wednesday concluded a discussion on five bills
which propose the confirmation of bilateral agreements between the
Croatian government and Paris Club member-countries on the
reprogramming of Croatia's foreign debt.
Also concluded was a discussion on two bills on the
confirmation of agreements on loans by the International Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), particularly the loan for
projects of technical help and financial market development.
Croatian Finance Minister Bozo Prka said that the Bill on the
Confirmation of an Agreement on a Loan for a Technical Help Project
between the Republic of Croatia and IBRD referred to a $5 million
loan, whereas the Bill on the Confirmation of an Agreement on a
Loan for a Financial Market Development Project referred to a $9,5
million loan.
Prka also said that Croatia and IBRD had already signed
agreements on loans for roads reconstruction, purchase of medical
equipment, infrastructure building and other reconstruction
projects, adding that all these agreements should be repaid in 17
years, with a grace period of four or five years.
Prka also added that new loans, for bank rehabilitation,
pension and health system restructuring and others, were being
Several ruling party and opposition representatives warned
that Croatia's debts were so high that making new ones should be
approached with caution.
Prka concluded by saying that all loans had been used for the
building of nationally important objects and that the Croatian
government would not incur debts to cover current consumption.
(hina) ha jn
191610 MET jun 96
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