ZAGREB, June 19 (Hina) - Croatian Parliament House of Counties on
Wednesday unanimously adopted the decision that Croatia should
consent to fulfilling long-term conditions in order to be admitted
into the Council of Europe as soon as possible, as the first step
on the way towards European integrations.
After a four-hour discussion on the report on foreign politics
which was on Tuesday presented by Foreign Minister Mate Granic,
representatives supported the report, with all the basic views as
regard the accession into the Council of Europe.
The House also supported the Croatian President's and Prime
Minister's consent to the 21 conditions and advocated that long-
term and short-term conditions from the list be fulfilled in line
with the Croatian Constitution, laws and interests.
The house supported the drafting of laws according to the
commitments from the Council of Europe bodies, stressing that it
would participate in their adoption.
(hina) lm jn
191508 MET jun 96
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