ZAGREB, June 13 (Hina) - The Croatian House of Representatives on
Thursday concluded a discussion on the Second Report on Sold State-
Owned Flats which refers to the period between 11 January and 11
April 1996, when 7,629 flats were sold. 11,932 state-owned flats
have been sold so far.
Milan Djukic of the Serbian People's Party was the only
participant in the discussion and said that the "Ministry of
Defense deprived some citizens of their tenancy rights and
prevented them from purchase".
Aide to Croatian Defense Minister, Josip Juras, told Djukic
that the Croatian Ministry of Defense and government did not
discriminate among Croatian citizens. More than 95 per cent of the
so called military flats could have been purchased by those who had
been granted permission by the former Yugoslav People's Army, Juras
There are still three more items on this session's agenda
which will be discussed on Friday and they include a Draft Decision
on the Vote of No Confidence to Administration Minister Davorin
Mlakar, proposed by opposition representatives.
(hina) ha jn
131827 MET jun 96
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