( Editorial: --> 0773 )
SARAJEVO, 24 Dec (Hina) - The High Representative for the
implementation of the Dayton peace agreement, Carlos Westendorp,
has declared a transitional law on customs tariffs in Bosnia-
Herzegovina valid.
The law was declared valid in line with the powers Westendorp was
given at the Bonn conference held on 9 and 10 December.
The three Bosnian sides failed to reach an agreement on the law by 20
December, the deadline for the adoption set by the Bonn
A statement issued by Westendorp's deputy Hans Schumacher in
Sarajevo Wednesday said the decision on the law was made because
members of the Council of Ministers could not harmonise their views
on disputable regulations.
The law will go into force on 10 January 1998, on a temporary basis,
and it will be valid until the law on customs tariffs is adopted in
its final form, the statement said.
Westendorp has also decided to establish a state commission and a
centre for the removal of mines in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
This decision was made after Serb representatives in the Council of
Ministers refused to sign regulations on the establishment of those
bodies, the statement said.
(hina) rm
241332 MET dec 97
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