( Editorial: --> 9042 )
SARAJEVO, Dec 17 (Hina) - The decision of the international High
Representative for Bosnia-Herzegovina on the coming into effect of
a law on Bosnian citizenship does not have to be discussed or
certified by the Bosnian parliament or any other body of authority,
the High Representative's spokesman, Simon Haselock, told
reporters in Sarajevo Wednesday.
The law on citizenship was necessary, as without it, a law on
passports, adopted by the parliament's houses, would have no
practical meaning, Haselock said.
High Representative Carlos Westendorp expects that as a body of
executive authority, the Bosnian Council of Ministers will now make
practical steps for these laws to be applied, the spokesman said.
According to Haselock, Westendorp will if necessary continue to
exercise authorities accorded to him by the Dayton peace agreement
and the conclusions of a recent Bonn conference of the Peace
Implementation Council for Bosnia.
Speaking about the standpoints of Bosnia's three sides concerning a
decision on the law on citizenship, Haselock said the first
reactions differed. Some think it was high time to start applying
these measures, while others believed they represented a dictate,
he said.
(hina) ha jn
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