( Editorial: --> 8909 )
SARAJEVO, Dec 16 (Hina) - International High Representative to
Bosnia-Herzegovina Carlos Westendorp on Tuesday used for the first
time the powers granted to him at a recent meeting in Bonn to
proclaim a citizenship law, although the country's parliament had
not adopted it.
His office said in a statement that the law would take effect on
January 1 next year and that the decision was based on the High
Representative's powers in conformity with annexe 10 of the Dayton
peace agreement.
On Tuesday evening Westendorp sent a letter to the three members of
the Bosnian collective presidency, Alija Izetbegovic, Kresimir
Zubak and Momcilo Krajisnik, to inform them of his decision.
Westendorp wrote that he had received with regret the news of the
Bosnian Parliament failing to approve the citizenship law,
although it was part of an agreement reached at the meeting of the
Peace Implementation Council in Bonn.
In accordance with my authority under the Dayton agreement and
article 11 of the document from Bonn, I do hereby decide that the Law
on Citizenship of Bosnia-Herzegovina shall enter into force by 1
January, 1998 on an interim basis, until the parliamentary assembly
adopts this law in due form, without amendments and no conditions
attached, the letter said.
The High Representative also demanded that the laws on the Council
of Ministers and travel documents, which had been approved by the
upper house of Parliament earlier today, be immediately published
in the Official Gazette.
Westendorp invited members of the Presidency and the Council of
Ministers to a meeting in his office on December 19 to agree on
further necessary steps to ensure implementation of all three laws
without delay.
The Spanish diplomat also demanded that Parliament meet another
commitment from Bonn -- to pass a declaration confirming the
possibility of signing bilateral agreements on dual citizenship in
line with the Bosnian Constitution and that the Presidency take a
stand on this issue at its next session.
After the meetings in Sintra, Portugal, and Bonn, the peace process
has entered the crucial stage. I am determined to fully use the
powers granted to me under the Dayton agreement and the conclusions
from Bonn to ensure their full and efficient implementation,
Westendorp said in concluding his letter.
(hina) vm
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