( Editorial: --> 7269 )
BONN, Dec 10 (Hina) - Croatian Foreign Minister Mate Granic and his
Bosnian counterpart Jadranko Prlic on Wednesday talked about
establishing an inter-state council for cooperation between the
two countries and a Croatian proposal for establishing special
links between Croatia and the Croat-Moslem Federation of Bosnia-
The talks were held in Bonn where the two ministers were attending a
two-day conference of the Peace Implementation Council for Bosnia-
Herzegovina, which began on Tuesday.
Granic told reporters that the agreement between Croatia and
Bosnia-Herzegovina on establishing the inter-state cooperation
council was "highly harmonised" and that "it is expected that this
agreement will initialled very soon."
By the end of this week or early next week the Bosnian Federation
would take a stand on the Croatian proposal for establishing
special ties and would name negotiators for this issue as well for
the issue of the use of the Croatian seaport of Ploce and passage
through the Bosnian coastal town of Neum, Granic said.
(hina) vm mm
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