( Editorial: --> 9026 )
OSIJEK, Dec 17 (Hina) - According to the head of the Osijek regional
office for displaced persons and refugees, Nada Arbanas, 7,500
persons have returned to the UN-administered part of eastern
Croatia by 12 December. Of them 3,717 achieved returnee status, she
told reporters in Osijek Wednesday.
Arbanas said there are 1,926 returnees registered in the UN-
administered part of the Osijek-Baranja County. It is believed
there are just as many who have returned to renovate their houses or
are returnees from Hungary, she said.
More than 5,500 displaced persons in the Danube river region of
eastern Croatia were granted return plan certificates, Arbanas
said. More than 2,000 have made an organised return to other parts
of Croatia, she added.
Arbanas said data of the Ministry of Interior Affairs showed that a
total of more than 7,000 persons had returned; of them 3,194
achieved returnee status, while the rest are in the process of being
granted return plan certificates.
The return process would not be interrupted on account of the
winter, she pointed out.
Arbanas informed reporters about the assistance returnees receive
from the office for displaced persons in cooperation with the UNHCR
and the Lutheran World Alliance. The assistance consists of stoves,
water-heaters, firewood, tools, food products and furniture.
The Lutheran alliance also repaired bathrooms in more than 100
(hina) ha jn
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