( Editorial: --> 8790 )
ZAGREB, Dec 16 (Hina) - The president of the National Committee for
the restoration of trust, Vesna Skare-Ozbolt, on Tuesday received
Max van der Stoel, high commissioner for national minorities of the
Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Skare-Ozbolt acquainted her guest with the Committee's activities
to date.
She said the peaceful reintegration of eastern Croatia is a long
process which Croatia will continue implementing even after the
UNTAES leaves on 15 January 1997.
Skare-Ozbolt said the aim of the reintegration is a stepped up
return of people to their homes and normalisation of living in areas
of the Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar Srijem Counties which were
previously under Serbian occupation and are currently under the UN
transitional administration.
Van der Stoel expressed satisfaction with the positive steps
forward made in the reintegration of eastern Croatia and the steps
the National Committee for the restoration of trust intends to
Today's talks focused on issues concerning reconstruction, the
two-way return, and ways of cooperation with the international
community aimed at resolving these issues.
Skare-Ozbolt informed her guest that on 15 March 1998 Croatia plans
to hold a donor conference for eastern Croatia.
(hina) ha jn
161545 MET dec 97
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