( Editorial: --> 6774 )
BONN, Dec 8 (Hina) - The Peace Implementation Council will hold a
conference at Petersberg near Bonn on Tuesday and Wednesday to
encourage speedier and more efficient implementation of the Dayton
peace agreement in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The conference will gather representatives of 51 countries and 21
international organisation who will deal with problems, delays and
resistance to the implementation of the peace agreement and try to
encourage creation of structures that will enable the independent
functioning of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The Croatian delegation will be headed by Foreign Minister Mate
A draft final document sets final and very short deadlines for the
implementation of a number of elements of the peace agreement,
particularly those enabling the minimal functioning of central
government institutions.
It is expected that the international community will demand
expansion of the powers of its high representative to Bosnia-
Herzegovina to enable speedier and more efficient implementation
of the Dayton agreement.
The Council was established in 1995 to oversee the implementation
of the peace agreement.
(hina) vm jn
081735 MET dec 97
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