BRCKO, Oct 11 (Hina) - Tear gas was thrown at the entrance of a
Roman Catholic Church in Brcko, the Serb-controlled north-eastern
Bosnian town, at about 12:30 pm Saturday while the Mass was being
An International Police (IPTF) spokeswoman, Kathy Ladun,
said it was still unknown who had thrown the tear gas at the
Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, located 200 metres from the
Bosnian Serb army's barracks.
According to Ladun, there were more than 200 believers in
the church at the moment of the incident, who had to leave it
afterwards. Nobody was seriously hurt, and the Mass resumed an
hour and half after the incident.
She added that the police of the Republic of Srpska had
launched an investigation monitored by the IPTF.
On Saturday afternoon, UN officials condemned this attack
at the Catholic Church.
Most of Croat (who are generally Catholic faithful) and
Moslem citizens had to flee Brcko after the Serbs took it at the
beginning of the aggression against Bosnia in 1992.
(hina) jn mš
111923 MET oct 97
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