WASHINGTON, 2 July (Hina) - The United Nations on Wednesday stated that
Ambassador Jacques Paul Klein will leave the post of U.N. Transitional
Administrator for Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium.
The U.N. statement further said that the U.N. Secretary General
Kofi Annan had relieved Klein of his duty since the U.S. administration
had nominated Klein for the post of new Deputy High Representative in
Klein should take up his new office at the end of this month.
The U.N. Secretary General is currently considering candidates for
the post of new Transitional Administrator and his choice would soon be
announced, the statement said.
State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns called on the Croatian
authorities and Serbs in the Croatian Danube river region to cooperate
so that the UNTAES mandate could be successfully completed.
The United States is committed to the successful completion of the
U.N. mandate in eastern Slavonia. The U.S. calls on the Republic of
Croatia and local Serb community in eastern Slavonia to cooperate
closely with UNTAES in securing the successful completion of the
mandate, Burns said.
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022113 MET jul 97
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