VUKOVAR, July 1 (Hina) - Ivan Babic on Tuesday assumed the command of
the Transitional Police Force in the UN-administered Danube river region
of eastern Croatia.
Babic, a Croat who has up to now been deputy commander, took over
from retiring Serb Petar Djukic at a ceremony in Vukovar.
The head of the UN Transitional Administration (UNTAES) in the
region, General Jacques Klein, said that Djukic had managed to set up a
professional joint police force although it had seemed in the beginning
that it would not be possible.
Klein said he believed that the new commander would continue to
work professionally and that he would meet the criteria so far reached
by the Transitional Police. The order and law are a key to any
reintegration, reconciliation and reconstruction, he stressed.
Babic said that he would endeavour to contribute to the
professionalisation of police which would guarantee a lasting peace and
safety for all people of good will in the region.
Babic emphasised that under his command the Transitional Police
"will step up preventive and repressive measures" to improve general
security. He thanked Djukic for his "unselfish contribution to the
professionalisation of the police force with the aim of creating
conditions for a better life of all citizens in the Croatian Danube
Thanking UNTAES and Transitional Police officials for cooperation,
Djukic stressed his commitment to democratic principles and police
Speaking to reporters after the ceremony, Babic said that the
Transitional Police Force was currently made up of 836 Croats and about
800 Serbs, who had signed employment contracts with the Croatian
Interior Ministry.
The organisation of the Transitional Police Force according to the
structure of the Croatian Interior Ministry will be completed these
days, Babic said, adding that the pace of organising police departments
in Osijek-Baranja and Vukovar-Srijem counties now depended on the police
The Transitional Police commander in Sector South, which coincides
with the UN-administered territory of Vukovar-Srijem County, will be a
Croat, Josip Grcanac, while the commander in Sector North, which covers
the UN-controlled area of Osijek-Baranja County, will be a Serb,
Ljubomir Banjeglav.
(hina) vm jn
011504 MET jul 97
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