ZAGREB, 14 Feb (Hina) - The Croatian Government on Friday
issued a statement expressing regret over the failure of
negotiations concerning the signing of a collective agreement
for the Croatian secondary school system.
According to the statement, the Government managed to
reach a high level of understanding with most of the leading
associations, trade unions and employers.
The Government is drawing the attention of the Croatian
public and especially of employees in secondary schools and
pupils' dormitories to the fact that during their negotiations
with representatives of the Independent Trade Union of
Employees in Secondary Schools and Pupils' Halls of Residence,
who were led by their president Vesna Kanizaj, Government
representatives had the impression that Kanizaj, who was
speaking on behalf of the Union, was conducting negotiations
with an aim and purpose which remained unknown to Government
Kanizaj surely radicalized each question in the
negotiations, especially when there was a chance that the two
sides might agree, the statement said.
Kanizaj did not abide by her obligations from the
Negotiations Rules of Procedure and she was giving
contradictory statements, the Government statement said.
The Government was ready for additional efforts with the
aim to improve the status of employees in secondary schools
and pupils' halls of residence, but it could not allow to be
controlled by individual or group interests, the statement
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141755 MET feb 97
EL: Uvjerljiv Bodo/Glimt, rimski sastavi do prednosti u sudačkoj nadoknadi
KL: Remi Rapida u Banja Luci, Beljo strijelac
Konferencijska liga: Rezultati (2)
EL: Rezultati (2)
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