BELI MANASTIR, Jan 11 (Hina) - A delegation of the Croatian
Parliament visited the UN-administered Baranja area of eastern
Croatia on Saturday when they held talks with UNTAES officials and
local Serb representatives.
The talks revolved around forthcoming elections and the draft
letter of intent by the Croatian Government referring to the
elections in the Croatian Danubian area. Local Serb representatives
have not yet formed a final judgment on the proposal.
The U.N. Deputy Transitional Administrator Derek Boothby
described the meeting between Croatian parliamentarians and local
Serbs as successful, and announced that the U.N. Transitional
Administrator Jacques Klein would meet Croatia's President Franjo
Tudjman on Sunday or Monday. Boothby voiced a hope that results of
the Tudjman-Klein meeting would be the Letter of Intent which may
be then sent to the U.N. Security Council.
The ten-member Croatian parliamentary delegation, led by a
Parliament Vice President, Vladimir Seks, consisted of deputies of
four parliamentary parties - the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ),
the Croatian Peasants' Party (HSS), the Croatian Social and Liberal
Party (HSLS) and the Social Democrat Party (SDP), and the Hungarian
national minority's representative in the Parliament.
The delegation was also accompanied by Ivica Vrkic, the head
of the Croatian Government's office for temporary administration.
The delegates and Serb representatives from the town of Beli
Manastir met at a closed-door working dinner at the UN Belgian
Battalion's headquarters at Beli Manastir.
Following the dinner Vladimir Seks said to reporters that main
topics of the talks had been forthcoming elections and the draft
letter of intent of the Croatian Government.
In the first part of the meeting the Croatian delegates talked
with UNTAES civilian and military officials who informed them of
the UNTAES mandate in Baranja.
In the second part of the meeting local Serb representatives
joined the talks on the draft letter of intent which finalized the
course of the reintegration with emphasis on the elections, Seks
Unfortunately, the letter of the intent has been still
drafting, and this version was made yesterday. So, others could not
been fully informed of it, and, thus, we could not discuss it much,
Seks added. He said "there is little time until the elections, and
a platform proposed by the Government should be accepted." He
voiced a hope that the U.N. Security Council would also accept the
Seks said the Croatian delegates had pointed to the necessity
of protecting each individual and of creating conditions for
removing all consequences of the war. They also stressed that it
was important that Baranja, as an integral part of Croatia, start
the reconstruction and development.
Seks emphasized that it was important that mutual trust be
created and all displaced people return to their homes.
"We must build bridges of trust which will help to soon put an
end to internationalization of the problem," he said adding it was
in the interest of those who were living in the area.
Commenting on the forthcoming elections Seks said they were a
pre-condition that elected bodies of local government and self-
government could legally begin to function and that proportional
representation of national minorities may be ensured.
Asked which points of the letter of intent were contentious,
Seks replied that they referred to the Serb proposal for merging
two counties in the Danubian area into one.
A representative of Beli Manastir Serbs, Vaso Zigic, expressed
satisfaction with a "initiative and honest intention of the
Government of the Republic of Croatia as regards the Memorandum on
the reintegration of the area."
Zigic said the Serb side had given some suggestions to the
first version of the letter of the Croatian government last
December. He pointed out Seks' statement according to which all
peoples in the area should use their right to remain there.
Zigic told reporters that "the Serb side has not received the
latest letter of intent as a fully translated text," and that's why
they could not make a final judgment about it. However, he
described the latest version as being a higher-quality document
than the previous one.
He added that by its suggestions and proposals the Serb side
would help both "the UNTAES and Croatia so as to solve the
The U.N. Deputy Transitional Administrator Boothby described
as successful Saturday's meeting between high-ranking Croatian
Parliament officials and local Serb representatives.
We maintain that there is a positive and constructive feeling
among people, and it is what we would like to encourage, he said
adding that the letter of intent would answer many questions.
Then, the Croatian delegates talked with representatives of
the Baranja triangle's villages of Torjanci and Novi Bezdan, who
informed them of their everyday difficulties.
At the talks Seks underscored the meaning of preparations of
and participation in the forthcoming elections. He said "much
patience and common sense will be needed to finish the peaceful
reintegration process."
"Do not think about departure but about remaining," Seks told
Serb representatives of the Baranja triangle's villages, and
stressed that "following the elections the Croatian state will work
on the improvement of all segments of life."
The Parliament delegation also visited the primary school in
Zmajevac where representatives of the Hungarian national minority
notified them of the work of the school in which classes were being
carried out in line with the Croatian curriculum for the Hungarian
The Hungarian minority's representatives spoke of problems of
a too slow process of getting the Croatian documents. They showed
interest in being included in the economy of Osijek-Baranja County
and Croatia.
Ivica Vrkic pledged that problems would be solved in the best
way "after democratic elections and the establishment of the
Croatian rule in the entire area."
(hina) mš
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