( Editorial: --> 6382 )
ZAGREB, August 27 (Hina)- At its closed door session on Thursday the
Government heard a report on talks with the Association of Farmers
of Slavonia and Baranja on the buy off of wheat. The Government
charged the Ministries of agriculture, economy and finance to agree
within the next six days concrete measures for an equal treatment of
all producers of wheat in the buy off of their harvests, the
Government reports.
After the session Finance Minister Borislav Skegro explained that
the Government had earmarked approx. 300,000 $ for the buy off of
wheat from about 1,000 farmers who pay the Value Added Tax.
Skegro added that the wheat bought from the farmers subject to VAT
made only three per cent of the total 450,000 tonnes of wheat that
the Government bought from farmers.
(Hina) mr
271916 MET aug 98
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