( Editorial: --> 1751 )
PISKOREVCI, Aug 4 (Hina) - Farmers from eastern Croatia ended their
one-day warning protest on Tuesday afternoon by removing the
agricultural machines used to block roads around the settlement of
Piskorevci since 7am.
The Association of Farmers from Slavonia and Baranja called the
protest as part of demands that the net buying price of wheat be set
at 1.10 kuna per kilogram for all agricultural producers.
Following the protest, organisers called a press conference in
which they repeated the Association's basic demands that all wheat
producers be paid with the same price guaranteed by the Croatian
Farmers also asked the Government and Finance Ministry to make a
decision on the protective price and its application to the value
added tax (VAT).
They have also demanded the Government and Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry to apply the VAT from the autumn for the remaining crops,
especially oil crops, so that it could be added to the protective
At the same time the Association has sought a momentary import ban
on all agricultural products which domestic farmers can produce.
"We are still prepared to discuss all these problems with the
Government, and the deadline for talks is from August 6 to 15,"
Association secretary Stanko Zdravcevic said.
He added that farmers in this period would seek help from "all legal
subjects in Croatia".
If our demands are not satisfied, we will organise arranged
protests across Slavonia and Baranja, Zdravcevic said. These
conclusions had been sent to President Franjo Tudjman, the Croatian
National Parliament and the Croatian Government.
Association supervisory board chairman Slavko Novakovic said up to
now about 700 people had signed a petition on the situation in
agriculture, and signatures would continue to be collected up to
August 15 in all five counties of the Slavonia region.
Organisers expressed satisfaction that there were no incidents
associated with today's protest and there was cooperation with
police in directing traffic.
(Hina) mbr
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