( Editorial: --> 1805 )
ZAGREB, Aug 4 (Hina) - Agriculture and Forestry Minister Zlatko
Dominikovic says eastern Croatian farmers, who on Tuesday staged a
road blockade as a warning to the Government of further possible
action, "have no reason for protesting".
He was speaking on Croatian Television's main evening news
bulletin, following the protest in which the Association of Farmers
from Slavonia and Baranja wanted to draw attention to their demands
that the net buying price of wheat be set at 1.10 kuna per kilogram
for all agricultural producers.
Dominikovic said the farmers had a legal and democratic right to
protest, but recalled that all the wheat had been bought and
practically there were no more offers for repurchase.
He stressed that the government had done its share of the work and
there was "nothing more to discuss over the crop in 1998, yet it
would like to discuss the crop for 1999".
Wheat of a standard quality is bought at the protective price, and
the money is paid out before the agreed to deadline of 15 days, and
sometimes even within a deadline of seven days, for example PPK
Kutjevo, Zupanja and anywhere else where the purchase is
exceptionally well organised, Dominikovic said.
He pointed out farmers in the Pozega-Slavonia, Bjelovar,
Koprivnica-Krizevci, Vukovar-Srijem and Virovitica Counties
(north-eastern and eastern Croatia) were not complaining.
"I believe some of the people want the wheat problem to be
politicised for the purpose of their personal political
promotion," Dominikovic said, pointing out that the town of Djakovo
and the surrounding region were always creating problems.
(Hina) mbr
042229 MET aug 98
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