( Editorial: --> 6284 )
SARAJEVO, Aug 27 (Hina) - The tragic events in Northern Ireland,
South Africa and Bosnia-Herzegovina in the search for peace and
reconciliation are not the same but these countries share many
similarities as well as a wish of the present generations to leave a
better world for those to come, the President of the Bosnian
Presidency Alija Izetbegovic said opening an international
conference on prevention of conflicts in Sarajevo on Thursday.
We in Bosnia-Herzegovina not only want the absence of war but a
peace based on justice and truth, Izetbegovic said.
The Sarajevo conference has gathered prominent Protestant and
Catholic representatives from Northern Ireland, including the
president of the Northern Ireland government and Unionist Party
leader David Trimble, the president of the Parliament of Ulster,
Lord John Alderice, as well as white and black politicians from
South Africa.
Conflicts between different civilisations are not inevitable,
Izetbegovic said.
"They all can find common values and overcome their differences,"
the Bosnian President said reminding that different religious
temples in Sarajevo bore witness to his statement.
The idea of reconciliation and recovery from war destruction
represents the only possible foundation for the survival of Bosnia-
Herzegovina, a Presidency member Kresimir Zubak said.
"Reconciliation and co-existence is the only way and fate of
peoples living in Bosnia-Herzegovina," Zubak said.
The biggest obstacle to peace efforts are forces which are trying to
keep the situation as it is now, preventing any improvement, Zubak
said calling for patience in efforts aimed at reconstruction of the
The Sarajevo conference is sponsored by Carnegie Foundation and the
organisation "Hunt Alternatives".
(hina) rml
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