( Editorial: --> 4640 )
KARLOVAC, Aug 20 (Hina) - Immigration Minister Marijan Petrovic
held talks with Karlovac County officials on Wednesday to discuss
the return of Croatian emigres, especially those from Australia,
Canada and the United States, to their homeland.
Petrovic emphasised the need to improve cooperation between his
ministry and local authorities because of the greater interest by
Croatian emigres to return to Croatia and invest in areas liberated
during operations Flash and Storm three years ago.
The reason for Petrovic's visit to Karlovac is the return of 12
Croat families from Australia, who have settled in the Krnjak
municipality since the beginning of the year, as well as the fact
that many returning families are investing their capital in small
industry, especially agriculture and cattle raising.
After the meeting, Petrovic said it was necessary to reduce
administrative measure for returning emigres, and many were
interested in obtaining loans and learning about living conditions
in the Karlovac area.
At the meeting it was told that since 1991, the Karlovac County has
had one of the largest population reductions in Croatia. Over many
years a lot of its residents moved to Australia, Canada and the US.
It is estimated about 6,600 families from the Karlovac County
currently live in the diaspora.
The meeting agreed that the problems of returnees should be
resolved as soon as possible before they settle into
demographically devastated settlements and municipalities.
(Hina) mbr
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