( Editorial: --> 3333 )
MOSTAR, 13 Aug (Hina) - The security situation in Stolac (south-
east of Mostar) is extremely serious, said Martin Garrod, head of
the Mostar regional office of the High Representative in Bosnia-
Herzegovina on Wednesday.
On 1 August this year, two canton market inspectors were attacked at
the Stolac market while performing their duties.
An international police officer was threatened at the same market
later during the day, Garrod told a press conference in Mostar.
Following these incidents, charges were brought against the RENNER
company manager Jozo Peric and the company's head of security, Vid
The Stolac market is part of the RENNER company.
It is unacceptable that the company is operating outside of law and
taking over control over Stolac, because the town should be
controlled by the authorities elected in the democratic elections,
Garrod said.
The closing-down of the company is being considered, he added.
UN spokeswoman in Mostar Kelly Moore said the UN Mission too was
concerned about the situation in Stolac.
There is neither law nor order in the town, Moore said voicing
dissatisfaction with criminal acts committed against Bosniak
(Muslim) returnees.
Moore said she expected the arrest of persons suspected of being
responsible for 40 incidents in Stolac in the past several months.
She also advocated the arrest of persons who last weekend shot at
SFOR soldiers in Doljani and Sovici in the Jablanica municipality.
(hina) rml
131432 MET aug 98
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