( Editorial: --> 3312 )
MOSTAR, 13 Aug (Hina) - Between the signing of the Dayton peace
agreement and 30 June this year, 11,583 Muslims had returned to
Croat majority territory in the Croat-Muslim Federation, UNHCR
spokeswoman in Bosnia-Herzegovina Arianne Quentier told a press
conference in Mostar on Wednesday.
In the same period, 26,210 Croats had returned to majority Muslim
Quentier resented Mostar deputy mayor Ivan Prskalo negating the
truth about the UNHCR help to Croat returnees.
The UNHCR had spent nine million German marks for the Croat
community last and this year, she said.
The money was used for the construction of schools and communal
infrastructure and for the destitute in western Mostar, Posusje,
Livno, Jajce, Novi Travnik, Prozor, Rama, Ljubuski, Capljina and
On 17 July this year, head of the UNHCR southern sector Neill Wright
sent Prskalo a detailed report on how much money had been allocated
to Croat returnees, Quentier said.
(hina)) rml
131024 MET aug 98
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