( Editorial: --> 3040 )
ZAGREB, 11 August (Hina)- Croatia and Macedonia signed an agreement
on protection of plants which is meant to boost the bilateral trade
in agricultural products and foodstuffs. The agreement was signed
on Tuesday in Zagreb by the Croatian minister of agriculture and
forestry Zlatko Dominikovic and the Macedonian minister of
agriculture, forestry and waters, Kiro Dokuzovski, who came to
Zagreb on Tuesday on a two day visit to Croatia.
"This agreement is meant to improve bilateral trade and remove all
the obstacles to a better marketing of goods", Dokuzovski told the
press after the signing.
The agreement defines a single set of standards and criteria for the
control of mutual import and export of agricultural products and
foodstuffs, thus providing for a more efficient protection of
plants in both countries. In 1997 Croatian exports of agricultural
products and foodstuffs to Macedonia amounted to $US 14 million and
its imports from Macedonia to $US 9 million.
Both ministers described the total volume of bilateral trade
insufficient, given the compatibility of Croatian and Macedonian
economies and the possibilities for the exchange of surplus goods.
(Hina) lm mr
111856 MET aug 98
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