( Editorial: --> 0273 )
ZAGREB, July 28 (Hina) - The reaping of wheat finished on over 96 per
cent of sowed surface. With an average result of 4.3 tonnes per
hectare, more than one million tonnes has been reaped so far, which
is more than planned.
This amount will fully satisfy domestic needs for wheat, and
Croatia will also become an important exporter of wheat, Deputy
Forestry and Agriculture Minister, Ivan Djurkic, said on Tuesday.
Information about the quality of this year's wheat has not been
completely processed, but it is certain that, despite the rains
during the reaping, it is of better quality than last year's.
This year we will have high quality wheat for the production of
bread, so we will not have to import enhancers from other countries,
Djurkic said.
Although it cannot be said with certainty how much wheat will end up
on other markets, Djurkic assesses that Croatia could export
between 250,000 and 300,000 tonnes of wheat.
"Certain arrangements already exist and are being realised. A ship
with wheat has already left for Albania, negotiations with
Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and some other countries are nearing
an end, he said.
Speaking about the buyout of wheat from the farmers by the
government, Djurkic said about 500,000 tonnes of wheat will end up
in state warehouses, via the Commodity Stockpiles Bureau. The state
will buy off all market surplus, he added.
According to a government decision, the first 200,000 tonnes will
be paid for within a fortnight, and the additionally bought 200,000
to 300,000 tonnes will be paid off in instalments until October 1
this year.
(hina) lml jn
281302 MET jul 98
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