( Editorial: --> 1194 )
RUPA/PASJAK/KARLOVAC (Hina) Aug 1 - More than 80,000 tourists have
entered Croatia through the Rupa and Pasjak border crossings in
Istria by noon Saturday.
The vehicles passed without problems and unnecessary waiting.
Other border crossings with Slovenia and Hungary are not clogged
and vehicles are passing without waiting.
Traffic in the Rijeka area is very intense and traffic jams are
developing due to the heavy traffic.
In the continental part of Croatia traffic was still heavy in the
afternoon, but has become relieved on the road from Zagreb to
Traffic is exceedingly heavy on roads towards Rijeka (northern
Adriatic) and the Lika road towards the Plitvice Lakes national
park (central Croatia). Traffic is being directed into queues,
avoiding traffic jams.
Karlovac police reported about one dozen traffic jams occurring on
roads towards the Adriatic. None of the accidents were serious.
Traffic through Karlovac from the Adriatic towards Zagreb is
expected to become heavy by the evening.
(hina) lml
011629 MET aug 98
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