( Editorial: --> 6960 )
ZADAR/ZAGREB, July 10 (Hina) - Zadar police on Friday reported that
criminal charges have been pressed against an unidentified
perpetrator who on Thursday planted mines in the village of Biljane
Donje in the Zadar hinterland, causing the wounding of three
Two explosive devices, planted on a macadam road in Biljane Donje,
exploded one after the other on July 8, around 7.20am.
One device was activated by a tractor carrying two persons of Serb
nationality and the other went off after it was struck by a "Zastava
101" car with a driver of Croat nationality.
"Nothing can excuse a wanton act calculated to cause death or
serious injury," said a joint statement by the Organisation for
Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), issued on Friday.
"The OSCE and the UNHCR want to make it very clear that the placing
of these weapons constitutes a heinous crime which could have cost
the life of any child or adult who happened to be in the area."
The incident needs to be viewed in the context "of previous threats
against the return of former inhabitants of Biljane Donje", the
statement said.
Three weeks ago, two hand-grenades were thrown into the yard of the
house of the same Serb citizen who was wounded in yesterday's
incident, the statement added.
(hina) jn rml /mbr
101848 MET jul 98
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